Knitting at Leslie’s house – January 12, 2012

STILL NO SNOW!  Just thought I’d get that out of the way.  There are two schools of thought on this no-snow thing.  Some of us are grateful for it and glad for the sunshine that seems to have found its way to the valley this winter.  Some of us are wishing for it because we want to go snowshoeing.  Right, Marylane?

Anyway, we met at Leslie’s house on a snow-free afternoon and were greeted by her cute dog, Lucy, and a big, beautiful carrot cake.  When I say big, I mean BIG.  Not to mention delicious.

Yummy carrot cake and wine!


Mary is beginning her first of two yellow hooded towels for her TWO grandchildren who will be born later in 2012.  She is delighted, of course, as are we all.  Mary will be spending next month in Arizona near Larissa, one of the mums-to-be.  She ‘ll be warmer than the rest of us who will be here in cold Montana.  Not that we’re jealous or anything.

Hooded duckie towel.


Marylane is going to Arizona – and southern Texas – in February as well.  Another one who’ll be warm…not that the rest of us are jealous or anything…We decided that for February, at least, we’d consider ourselves Castoffs NORTH and Castoffs SOUTH – or as Leslie liked – HOT Castoffs and COLD Castoffs.  The Hot Castoffs will get together with Joan and have a little meeting of their own.  Of course, they’ll be sitting on a deck drinking margaritas and we’ll be huddled in our igloos eating walrus blubber.  Not that we’re jealous or anything…


Leslie showed us her Christmas tree.  Now, remember that Leslie is the Queen and defender of orphan trees.  She is famous for her, ahem, eccentric decorating of Christmas trees.  This one had already been stripped of its ornaments and taken outside to the deck – a reprieve from the dump or the fire pit, but we went outside and admired the moss-covered branches.  Marylane decided to attempt a pole dance.

No, really. It's a Christmas tree. Really.


Speaking of Leslie, he is about halfway through her new hat project.  She modeled it, with her little head poking through the unfinished top, but we are able to get an idea of what it will look like.  Very cute.

Is that a needle sticking out of your head?


Julie was with us – after her dreaded procedure that will be nameless – and had finished a neckwarmer that needed more neck.  Hers was too short, or the neckwarmer was too tall, one or the other.  But I loved the cables.

Ooh, giant neck warmer for a giant neck...


Julie was working on a hat, too, and modeled it.  Her little head poked through and the flash on my camera gave the appearance of a, uh, bare patch.  No, she isn’t going bald.  Really.

Where's the Rogaine!


We were visited by one of our charter members, Kerrie the crocheter.  She has been in a flurry of baby hat-making.  She knows, or is related to, a lot of women who are having babies!  We’ve seen several of her hats and they are all adorable.  The one that she was working on today is made out of Simply Soft yarn – a nice washable yarn that’s fun to work with.

Our friend, Kerrie!


I wore my green shrug that I made last year.  It’s so warm and cozy that I can’t wear it a lot, but this winter has seemed cold to me.  It’s also hard to wear under a coat, but it’s great for sitting around at home…knitting.  It’s  knit from Paton’s wool yarn and is a big rectangle folded and sewn up – leaving armholes, of course.

Marsha's shrug.


I also brought my WIP, a lace scarf/shawl that I’m knitting with Harris tweed yarn bought in Edinburgh, Scotland in September.  I love the jewel tone and it’s easy to knit with.

This pattern looks hard but is really quick to master.


Linda is still working on the self-patterning (is this a word?) sock yarn for the baby hat.  It is so cute that I’m tempted to buy some for socks.

Linda, the perfect picture of the color-coordinated knitter.


Carol is knitting another pair of beaded fingerless mittens.  She had big news about her relationship  – she’s movin’ on up and into Mark’s house.  Looks like the Castoffs will have a new place to meet!  We couldn’t be happier for Carol.  Carol, we love you!

Ahh. A new chapter.


Michele is working on her daughter’s sweater.  She works on this project in between other projects.  I think it’s her ‘thinking’ project because each time I see her with it, I get the feeling that she’s thinking about another project that she’d rather be doing.  Or maybe that’s just me.  Anyway, she was wearing the great mohair sweater that we all love.  It looks so cozy and it is stunning.

OK, I won't take your picture, Michele.


Deb joined us.  Glenn is getting better every day and we are glad to hear it.  She is nearly finished with his sweater.  On him, it will look normal.  On her, it looks gigantic!

Hey, Deb! That's one big sweater!


Next time, we meet at Deb’s house.  Since Mary was scheduled to bring treats, AND since Mary will be in warm Arizona, we decided to make it a JUNK FOOD meeting.  Everyone, please bring the junkiest junk food that you love to eat late at night by yourself in the dark so nobody will see you stuffing yourself with empty calories!!  …but maybe that’s just me.  I already know that FRITOS, CHEETOS and TWINKIES are taken.  Sorry.  Bring something else equally baaaddd for you.  You know it’s out there.  Julie’s bringing a bottle of wine.  See you at Deb’s house for a gourmet junk session.

Until then, Castoffs, keep those needles blazing and have a warm week!



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