Carol’s house – March 18, 2010

The Castoffs met on a blustery day at Carol’s house.  When I say blustery, I mean it.  At one point we looked out her dining room glass doors and saw her patio chair scudding along at a rapid pace across the deck.  Snow was blowing around and I felt for a minute that I might be Dorothy (or Toto) bracing to blow away to OZ.

We remained in Kalispell, however, although strange things were afoot.  Carol was knitting her baby blanket which is an adorable ball-band pattern.  Her ball of yarn was SO BIG that it came with its own Bobble-head instructor.

Cute blanket for Grandbaby #1

You, too, could have your own Bobble-head instructor!

I hope Ms. Bobble-head goes away before the babies are born.  That could scar a kid’s psyche.  I was a little scared myself.

Michele rushed to the meeting after another meeting and didn’t bring her knitting.  Whew!  Good thing I brought two projects!  Michele knitted some of my sock pattern that happened to be one that she had used before.  She had fun and I have less to knit on that sock now.

Thanks for the help, Michele! Say, are you sitting in a pine bower?

Michele was sitting in front of an ENORMOUS plant of Carols that framed her perfectly.  Looks very springy, doesn’t it?

Carol’s friend Jackie, her college roommate from Spokane, was visiting and we enjoyed talking to her.  Carol’s cat liked her a lot too.

Cat loves Jackie!

Carol made yummy strawberry shortcake for us and I didn’t get over there for a photo until a lot was already gobbled up.  Thanks, Carol for the tea and shortcake.  We fell on it like starvelings.

Hey, did you say that there's shortcake?

Mary was working on her daughter’s polar bear scarf which is coming along nicely.  And Larissa is much better – feeling well enough to teach part of her yoga class.  We were glad to hear it.

Polar bear scarf. Surrogate for grandbaby?

I was knitting my boucle top-down sweater while Michele was knitting my sock.  I think I was the big winner here.

Maybe I can find somebody to knit this sweater, too

Julie was at the meeting long enough to scarf down (no pun intended) some shortcake and then rushed off to a library fundraiser.  She was moving so fast that I caught her with her eyes closed.  Hope she opened them up on the drive home.

I think Leslie disapproved of Julie's haste in leaving. Or maybe she was just afraid that the Bobble-head would come back

My husband, Lucky, clipped an interesting article that I thought I would include in the blog.  It’s about a ‘Midnight Knitter’ that is terrorizing Cape May, NJ.

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West Cape May authorities and residents are on the lookout for an unknown person, dubbed The Midnight Knitter, according to The Press of Atlantic City.

When darkness falls, the mystery knitter takes to the streets of the shore town and covers tree branches and lampposts with little sweaters.

Yes, you read that right, little sweaters.

And the knitter (or knitters) are displaying their wooly work on Facebook and a Web site.

Although residents and the town’s mayor agree that the colorful patterns are captivating and better than graffiti, the handiwork is illegal.

“We don’t know who it is,” Mayor Pam Kaithern told The Press. “Technically, they shouldn’t be doing it. The police are asking about it, but it’s fun and it’s a mystery.”

The town’s main concern? That when the yarn becomes faded, the cozy creations be taken down.

Wow, if this is West Cape May’s most pressing unsolved mystery, we’re thinking it’s time to move there.


Hmmm.  Perhaps we could tackle Kalispell’s dying elm trees for ‘Knit in Public Day’ this year.  Whaddya say, knitters?

Next week the meeting is at Marsha’s house at the regular time.  See you all then!  And think about clothing a tree, won’t you?

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