Carol’s house – June 24, 2010

I got back from Colorado just in time to make it to Carol’s house for the Castoffs meeting.  Whew!  I’m glad that I got back before Thursday.  There were a LOT of us there plus Mary’s daughter, Larissa, and Carol’s daughter, Shannon.  Also, Joan is back in town.  YAY! Good to have you back.  The chatter was so loud that at one point Larissa leaned over to her mom and said, “There must be five conversations going on at once!”  Yep – the Castoffs are world class talkers as well as world class knitters.

Larissa and Mary, just listening to the chatter

Joan was there with her ‘just knit, no purl’ pillow made from wool scraps from the Pendleton factory.  We are all fascinated with the progress that she’s making.  Hmm.  Such big balls.

Are ya gonna knit with that ball, or play soccer?

Marylane brought her needlepoint – a beautiful pattern.  We are a very interesting group – multifaceted, multicrafeted.

Go Cats!

Leslie brought a little mouse with her.  She has knitted goats and bears, too.  This time, she was making masks for wedding games.  So many life changes coming to our group!  Babies and weddings and family reunions.  Busy summer.


Lisa came to visit and brought tasty pesto

Julie came directly from work without her knitting.  Guess she just came for the food and the company.  Hiya, Jules!

She does look a little hungry, doesn't she?

Carol is almost finished with her blanket for her first grandchild.  Hope it is finished before the baby needs it!

Almost finished!

It was a fun meeting, but I was really tired from my trip.  Carol’s couch was so comfy that I found myself sliding into the cushions and getting very drowsy.  It was a good thing that we all had to go home when we did, or Carol might have had an overnight guest.  I’ll leave you now with a closeup of Joan’s amazing wool scrap pillow.  It feels very thick – can’t really explain it…

It's alive!

Until next time at my house, keep on knittin’!

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